What’s in my Forever 21 shopping cart

Posted in Fashion
on 06/25/2018

Hello helloooo! Hope everyone’s week is off to a great start! I know I’ve been a bit MIA because my luggage was lost last week for a few days and of course it had my outfits to shoot inside of it. Gotta love that. But it’s back and I am thankful because that means I can FINALLY share this post with y’all! It’s one I’m super excited for. What’s in my forever 21 shopping cart? Keep reading to find out!

THIS SET IS EVERYTHING. Stripes? Check. Two piece? Check. Adorable and affordable? Check. Basically it’s screaming for you to add it to your closet! I am a huge stripe girl, especially in the summer. I swear I wear stripes WAY TOO MUCH. Another one of my favorite trends this summer is sets because they’re so versatile. I layered some necklaces over mine for some more flair but you could totally style this any way your heart desires. I could SO see this set (top + bottom) going perfect with a hat and some sweet sunnies.

and now onto the good stuff…

Basically what I did was spend hours on the Forever 21 website so you don’t have to! I went through each category on the site and picked out some of my favorites. The best part about all of this? It’s budget friendly! Thank you Forever 21 for helping a girl ballin on a budget out. I hope y’all are able to scoop up a few things from this massive roundup. Happy shopping!







How to: summer waves in 10 minutes flat!

Posted in Beauty
on 06/07/2018

There is nothin like a quick and easy hairstyle that’ll last for DAYS. Like, really nothing better. I’m here to share with you my secrets to my favorite waves (that I honestly wear year round) that are perfect for summer! 

first things first

If you can start on dirty hair, it’s probably best because if your hair is anything like mine it’ll hold much better when it’s got a little grit to it! If your hair is clean, that’ll do too! Before I start I’ll spritz some heat protectant on the ends of my hair. This one is my recent fave and it smells amazing! Then I’ll brush it through just to make sure it’s evenly distributed!

heat things up

I’ll then heat up my wand to a few heat settings below the hottest (I used to go all the way up but I’m trying to save my poor hair so medium heat it is). My wand is tried and TRUE, y’all. It’s under $30 and it’s lasted me 6 years now! Trust me, this baby’s got ya if you’re in the market for a good wand. The barrel is a 1″-1 1/4″ so it’s the perfect size for creating waves. For this look in particular I split my hair in half and work from the back to the front. I normally end up doing 4 chunks/waves on each side. This is what’ll give ya that beach messy look! I hold the wand with the smallest side facing down and wrap my hair around the wand away from my face. Some people alternate away and towards but I like all of my curls to be away so that’s just what I do.  Also be sure to leave the ends out a bit to create that messier look!

let set and then style

Once I’ve held the hair around the barrel for around 10 seconds, I let the chunk of hair into the palm of my hand and press it into my head to set the wave. Sounds weird but I swear it works?! My hair has a hard time staying, so I don’t touch my hair until it’s cooled. Then I’ll shake it out, run my fingers through it and play with it until it’s to the look I want! If you want to add more texture I love either of these sprays (one or two).

Aaaaannnnnnnddddd voila! You’ve got beauty summery waves that’ll last ya days!

Normally the next morning I’ll run my fingers through the waves and restyle them a bit and then spray some more texture spray or hairspray to hold. They normally last me until I wash my hair next (which now is around every 3 days).

PS: do y’all like the dark hair? I’ve been dying it consistently this year and I LOOOOVEE it dark!

ride the wave

Trending for the summer: rompers + here’s why you need one!

Posted in Fashion
on 05/31/2018

SUMMER TYME IN A ROMPER FEELS SO GOOD Y’ALL. Happy to say I am settled in and have been exploring around Fayetteville for some sweet photo spots. I crossed this mural on my first day here and I mentally noted it for a blog post. Don’t ya love it? Hah, I always joke with my friends about decaf coffee? There’s no point? Coffee = caffeine. Hopefully some of y’all feel me. Before I bore ya, let’s skip on ahead to my outfit! Rompers: ya either love em or hate em. I personally am I BIG FAN (for a laugh, check out a vintage post where I also styled a romper). They’re the easiest to throw on and go but I feel much more comfortable in a romper than I do a dress? Idk.


My romper is peeerffect for warm weather because it’s lightweight and not skin tight (nobody wants a romper sticking to them on a hot summer day). The neutral stripe is so flattering and made it soooo simple to pair accessories! I’m all about the button up detail for easy on and off and the adjustable straps are a game changer for oddly proportioned gals like myself (legs for days).

I always get comments about rompers and how scary they are – but fear not! There is certainly the right type of romper per body type. Some gals need a romper with some more shape to it, some with less. The key to rocking a romper is feeling confident in it! That’s something I’ve been catching onto lately. When I feel great about what I’m wearing others will notice. When I feel shitty about my outfit — it has the power to ruin my day (don’t ya hate that?). So pick you out a romper you feel good in and rock the hell outta it!

put yo stripes on

Fake + bake | Summer self tanning routine

Posted in Beauty
on 05/24/2018

Hiiii y’all! If you’re anything like me and spend most of your day inside then you’re probably also as white as a ghost (like me). That’s when the self tanner comes into play…. Everything is better when you’re tan — I can vouch for that. I know self tanner can seem SCARY AF if you’re new to it but after reading this post you’ll be a pro. Let’s take ya through the steps for that perfect fake and bake!

Screen Shot 2018-05-24 at 9.27.07 PM


Lol, could seem like an obvious one but clean skin is the best base for any self tan! I exfoliate with this and I also shave too before applying my self tanner. Blast the cold water before you get out the shower to avoid those brown little spots from the self tanner sinking into your hair folicles!

hydrate those dry areas

Areas like you’re elbows, knees and ankles (and for some reason the area right by my arm pits lol) will SOAK up that color so it’s so important to hydrate with a little bit of lotion so they don’t turn bright orange. Believe me, I have made the mistake MANY MANY TIMES but I just discovered this lil hack and it’s been a savior so far! My favorite lotion is this one and I also use it on my face too! Talk about #doubleduty.

apply that fake tan

We are getting to the good stuff now y’all… actually applying your tan! My tried and true tanner is this one. I think I’ve gone through like 6 bottles no joke. I will recommend it to anyone and everyone because it’s soooo adorable and it really gets the job done! Mousse is my favorite formula because I feel like it’s the easiest to control. I use a tanning mitt with it and it makes application much more even! I normally start with my arms and work my way down using around 2 pumps per arm and 3 per leg. Then I move to my chest and my upper back using around 2-3 pumps too (I normally don’t really do my lower back or stomach since it’s never visible). Make sure to rub in with long strokes and instead of circular strokes to ensure you’re not streaky. I let it dry and it only takes a minute or two and then I apply another coat!

If you’re a lotion gal, just follow the same steps but you won’t need to use a mitt or anything! If you like lotion, I would recommend this one!

taking care of your tan

The lasting power of a tan will differ from person to person depending on how much you sweat and shower! I normally fake tan 2-3 times a week in the summer since I don’t see the light of day lol. It’d probably be wise to take a break for a week or two every once in a while so I could exfoliate and start really fresh but I never really do :-) My best tip is to keep your skin moisturized to prolong your tan!

IT’S TIME TO BECOME THAT BRONZED BABE YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE! Take this guide and run with it! Till next time xoxo

get ya self tan on!

I MOVED! | How to move minimalistically + room tour

Posted in Lifestyle
on 05/17/2018

HELLO HELLO. I’m typing this LIVE FROM FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. I’m all moved in and awful proud of myself for packing pretty minimalistically (hi mom). Here’s a lil peak of what I was able to pull together. The key: keep it simple and you’ll be good to go!!

I thought I would share some tips on how in the heck I managed to get everything I needed for the next three months in just a few boxes!

leave the knick knacks behind

I looove a good knick knack as much as the next gal, but leave em behind to save space. This move, I kept things very simplistic and cut doown on my knick knacks. Bye bye stack of 60 magazines, momentos from freshmen year and all of my assorted little candles and lucite trays (ahhhh it was painful to leave those behind I love them). I brought one picture frame and one wall hanging along with a few pictures to decorate my bookcase and it only all took up a little space in my storage bin #success

pack only clothes you’ve worn in the past month-two

If you haven’t worn it in the past 4 months, then it probably shouldn’t move with you. Basics are your best friend because they’re basic you can mix and match them bunches of ways! Check the weather prior to your move so you don’t end up with parkas in 95 degree weather or vice versa.

buy necessities when you get there 

It’s so easy to want to pack EVERYTHING you’re ever going to need for the move before you leave, but leave the necessities like kitchen supplies, any extra toiletries, and cleaning supplies for when ya arrive. Make a trip to Target once you move in to grab everything you missed/couldn’t fit (try not to spend 2 hrs in there like I always do lol).

If you’re planning a move, whether it’s across the country or just down the street I hope you’ll try and do it as minimalistically as possible. If you know me in real life, I hope you’re proud I was able to leave my knick knacks behind. But dang does it feel good to have a clean start here in Fayetteville with my internship (read more about that here)! I started journaling (which I would so recommend if you already don’t. As someone who always has a million and one things running through her mind it is such a relief to sit down at the end of the day and just unleash all of those thoughts!!), working out a bit and *trying* to save my money. This summer is off to a fab start and I hope it’ll continue!

shop my room

One month hiatus *one direction style*

Posted in Lifestyle
on 04/30/2018

OOOkkkk so hi. I have been MIA. Life’s been crazy! We haven’t talked in over a month y’all.. I totally feel like I’m on a hiatus One Direction style (ehhmm boys when will you reunite I’m waiting??). I’m wrapping up my junior year here at LSU which I honestly cannot believe…. I’ll do a junior year recap soon for y’all like I always do since those are some of my favorites to write.

But I’m back with a lil update on where I’ve been — aka not inspired, lazy and honestly confused about my life’s direction. Yes, I am a drama queen (don’t have to tell me twice). School wise, things have been easy… almost too easy. I’m pretty much done with all my fashion classes and I’ll finish up my second minor and major in the fall of 2018. But LSU, ya ain’t getting rid of me that quick cause this girl is gonna ride things out as long as I possibly can! I’ll stay in school until May 2019 for fear of missing out on my last SPRING SEMESTER of college (don’t wanna talk about it even though it’s a year away). Here’s what I’ve been up to in some of my classes this semester! Whoo for being creative!

I went to Nashville at the end of March for my spring break and ooooomg if you’ve never been ya GOTTA GO. We ate and drank our way to the entire town and I said sayonara to my bank account for good (no really I have yet to reclaim my once stable-ish financial state). But regardless, it was dang good time! Eatin, drinkin, dancin and just having a good time with good friends was exactly what I needed. If you’re in the mood for some pics keep on scrollin because I’ve got tons.

BEST GRILLED CHEESE. Get the pimento one tooo good. CMA Hall of Fame this was a great breakfast spot!!

After Nashville I sat down and tried to write a recap post, an OOTD, just something but I felt like I was in such a rut! I feel like I was just explaining to y’all a month of two ago about how uninspired I was but I’m back again on that same kick… Ughhhh maybe the summer will bring me some inspo #plzlord

I almost forgot to update y’all on my summer plans.. holy cow I am sooo excited! I’ve been following ShopRiffRaff since I was a junior or senior in high school and I’ve always been obsessed with them. Their branding is so on point and the girls that work there always seem to have SO MUCH FUN. I applied and was offered an internship there as an Operations Intern this summer in Fayetteville, AR. So yeah, I’m moving to AR next week for the next three months which I am really looking forward too but also scared shitless a lil bit too. I’m not gonna know anyone but it’s going to be such a cool experience to step out of my comfort zone (I’m lookin at you Louisiana)! I’ll share a lot more on my experience and move here once I get settled.

ALRIGHT THAT WAS A MOUTHFUL. That’s basically my life right now. It’s a bit chaotic but we are making moves people!! Happy May 1st~


Midweek motivation + things that motivate me

Posted in Lifestyle
on 03/22/2018

Happy day late hump day! I, for one, know a midweek pick me up is exactly what I need to finish this week off strong. Spring break is approaching and I cannot wait. I totally started this week off on the wrong foot so now I am *trying* to spread positive vibes! So, I thought I would share with y’all a few of my favorite motivational quotes. Make them your phone background for a daily reminder to get stuff done!

Here’s a few things that keep me motivated:

To do lists (can’t live without them for real)

Fountain cokes (y’all laugh but they really get me in the zone)

A good deep dive on Tumblr or Pinterest looking at inspirational quotes

Cleaning up my workspace (bye bye clutter)


We are almost there y’all. Take that motivation and make something out of it. Do whatever ya gotta do to get through this week! We can do it. Keep it positive and you’ll make it.

See y’all on the flip.

Gingham: the must-have trend for spring + how to wear it

Posted in Fashion
on 03/13/2018

gingham pants // top (sold out, but I’ll link similar) // denim jacket (similar) // loafers (similar) // earrings

Gingham… kinda reminds me of a farm girl, Frenchy from Grease and a little bit of the 90s?  I am here to tell y’all its back *cue Backstreet Boys song* for spring and summer! And its oh so fun to style. I wanted to edge the pants up a bit so I went for a tee and denim jacket with stars, of course. But I would totally style this with a cute crop top and my Marc Fisher platforms too for a girly look!

My main tip for styling something as bold as the gingham trend is to keep the rest of your look simple. Stick with solid colors or neutrals to bring the focus to the statement piece (whatever it may be). Have fun with your look! I was scared to death to style these pants but once I figured out how to make them work I had so much fun with this outfit! You can try out the trend without spending a lot of money too so don’t let that hold you back! My pants were only $35 and I know for sure you can find something to fit your style for under $50 #ballinonabudget.

There are so many gingham options out there right now and it can be overwhelming trying to figure out what fits your style. The pants are def the boldest. If you wanna be a bit more subtle, try a gingham skirt with a solid top, a dress or a top with jean shorts. I picked all my fave gingham options for the spring and summer and linked em below for y’all! Let me know if you try out the trend! I wanna see how y’all incorporate gingham into your spring wardrobe!
