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Seasons of waiting aren’t always a bad thing + here’s why…

Posted in Lifestyle
on 03/28/2019

So it’s the end of March (April is so close I can taste it) and I’m stuck in this awkward phase. It’s somewhere between: I’m a college student who just wants to have her fun and the fear of being an adult is on the horizon. May will bring graduation, and along with it, the loss of a routine I’ve been living for my entire life. School, summer, and then school… AGAIN. The thought that this routine would have to break at some point has crossed my mind but I like to push it to the back burner. After graduation, things will never be the same. For the past 22 years, the idea that someday I would have to become an adult seemed just so distant. Well, not anymore! So now, we wait. Wait for what? Wait to be scared?

After doing all of this hard thinking (which I then rewarded myself for with some Netflix), I came to a conclusion.

Waiting for something to happen: whether it be a job, boy to come along, the right time to move, change your hair color, reinvent yourself can become a good thing if you let it.

There is purpose in this season of waiting. I’ve become a firm believer that things happen for a reason. People are put in your life for a reason. Everything has it’s purpose. That’s the piece to the puzzle I was searching for before. Life is about to come and hit me like a ton of bricks so so so soon, but this “waiting game” should not pass without my acknowledging it’s purpose. The “waiting game” should not distract me from living life. IT’S HAPPENING ALL AROUND ME.

Be grateful for the between season. I personally have found so much joy in the nostalgia of it all. Looking back on my past four years of college with all the crazy late nights, early mornings, and everything in between has been something so so special. It’s not just the nostalgia that I’ve relished in, but the fact that my life will never be the way it is right now. I will never be able to graduate collage again, to share all of these funny college memories with my friends like going out until 2am at our college bars, eating as much Chick-Fil-A as our stomachs can hold, and laughing until we cry. Bittersweet is probably the best way to describe it. While enjoying this season I’m in, thoughts of the future continue to creep in.

Basically what I’m trying to say is, don’t let the “waiting game” keep you from living your life. Don’t wait of the next big thing to come along and miss the amazing things happening in front of you! Challenge yourself to make those in between moments count. Find the joy in the little moments, even though they may not feel like much at the time, you’ll appreciate them so much more when you’re through with all of it.